About Us


is a technologie company that is focused on providing digital management solution for company in the sector of personne transportation as Taxi. We provide our solution in two way as web creation for Taxi company or opening access account to our web platform for management.

All our solution are integrated with booking solution, Geolocalization Information system or GPS, drivers and vehicles management solution, invoicing and reporting.

From individual Taxi company with one car to corporate Taxi company with more than one car our solution are customized.

Company and Transport

Based on what we have see in many countries , the intermediary platform that link passengers to Taxi company are managing and keep in their hands the whole ecosystem of person business transportation as Taxi and also charge a highest services fees like 25%. Even with that Taxi companies depend on intermediary platform for their business and growth. Sometimes Taxi company are required to use many intermediary platform at same times in order to meet their financial target. It’s become very difficult for them to have access to financial services because they don’t have clear view of their revenue and can’t make any financial projection as they depend on platform.
Our purpose is to bring solution were business taxi, can receive his own booking request without using intermediary platform, to have a clear view of his activities, listing of clients and contact, follow trip phase and keep recorded information in case of control.
In case of control the driver can show related information of the trip is executed like when the booking was made, date and times, picking and dropping address and the price. The company can also provide the business activities report to their accountant or authorities.
From Taxi company that have the capacity to buy our website or to integrate with our booking and roadbook module to others who just want use our web tool of booking and more, Bellerue’s objective is to provide operational, security and safety solution truth digital tools for the sector of transportation person as Taxi, limousines services or buses and to break the dependencies to the platform.